Email marketing

The benefits of email marketing for customer loyalty

Email marketing is one of the most effective tools, when it comes to online marketing. Make use of email marketing, to bond with your existing customers and even acquire new ones. Unlike other means of advertising, email marketing implicates remarkable advantages.

The advantages at a glance

  • Speed
    In comparison to postal mailings, by using email marketing you can get hold of your recipients fast and on a short-term basis. Hence, it is possible to deliver the advertising medium exactly at a special point in time. As a consequence, the according response can be measured in real-time.
  • Measurements of success
    Email marketing enables a specific monitoring of mailings. By being able to measure precisely the actual recipients, openings and clicks of an email, the success of an advertising campaign can be analysed in every detail.
  • High return on invest (ROI)
    Since it has been possible to determine and optimise the success of advertising media, the detailed measurement of email campaigns will be leading to minor and predictable costs.
  • Personalisation
    By addressing the recipient on a personal basis, a higher amount of attention will be guaranteed and the action’s potential will boost.
  • Advertising without stray losses
    The requested target audience can be selected according to demographics, interests and affinities. Thus, advertising efforts can be geared to these special recipients and stray losses will be avoided to the greatest possible extent.